《精选英文分阶阅读系列(二)》 多作者[作者] pdf + epub + mobi + azw3

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The Old Man and the Sea -- Ernest Hemingway

Set in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Hemingway's magnificent fable is the story of an old man, a young boy and a giant fish. It was The Old Man and the Sea that won for Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature. Here, in a perfectly crafted story, is unique and timeless vision of the beauty and grief of man's challenge to the elements in which he lives.

Here, for a change, is a fish tale that actually does honour to the author. In fact The Old Man and the Sea revived Ernest Hemingway's career, which was foundering under the weight of such post-war stinkers as Across the River and into the Trees. It also led directly to his receipt of the Nobel Prize in 1954 (an award Hemingway gladly accepted, despite his earlier observation that "no son of a bitch that ever won the Nobel Prize ever wrote anything worth reading afterwards"). A half century later, it's still easy to see why. This tale of an aged Cuban fisherman going head-to-head (or hand-to-fin) with a magnificent marlin encapsulates Hemingway's favourite motifs of physical and moral challenge. Yet Santiago is too old and infirm to partake of the gun-toting machismo that disfigured much of the author's later work

"The brown blotches of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks. The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords."

Hemingway's style, too, reverts to those superb snapshots of perception that won him his initial fame

Just before it was dark, as they passed a great island of Sargasso weed that heaved and swung in the light sea as though the ocean were making love with something under a yellow blanket, his small line was taken by a dolphin. He saw it first when it jumped in the air, true gold in the last of the sun and bending and flapping wildly in the air.

If a younger Hemingway had written this novella, Santiago most likely would have towed the enormous fish back to port and posed for a triumphal photograph--just as the author delighted in doing, circa 1935. Instead his prize gets devoured by a school of sharks. Returning with little more than a skeleton, he takes to his bed and, in the very last line, cements his identification with his creator

"The old man was dreaming about the lions."

Perhaps there's some allegory of art and experience floating around in there somewhere--but The Old Man and the Sea was, in any case, the last great catch of Hemingway's career.

--James Marcus

作者简介 · · · · · ·
Ernest Hemingway ranks as the most famous of twentieth-century American writers; like Mark Twain, Hemingway is one of those rare authors most people know about, whether they have read him or not. The difference is that Twain, with his white suit, ubiquitous cigar, and easy wit, survives in the public imagination as a basically, lovable figure, while the deeply imprinted image of Hemingway as rugged and macho has been much less universally admired, for all his fame. Hemingway has been regarded less as a writer dedicated to his craft than as a man of action who happened to be afflicted with genius. When he won the Nobel Prize in 1954, Time magazine reported the news under Heroes rather than Books and went on to describe the author as "a globe-trotting expert on bullfights, booze, women, wars, big game hunting, deep sea fishing, and courage." Hemingway did in fact address all those subjects in his books, and he acquired his expertise through well-reported acts of participation as well as of observation; by going to all the wars of his time, hunting and fishing for great beasts, marrying four times, occasionally getting into fistfights, drinking too much, and becoming, in the end, a worldwide celebrity recognizable for his signature beard and challenging physical pursuits.

Oracle Bones -- Harpur, James

讲述了bai1999-2004年 Hessler (中文名何伟)眼中的du中国。那时他已搬到北京,zhi给各种美国杂志dao报纸当自由撰稿人。这本书包记录了Hessler 在这五年里接触到的许多故事,人物,事件。各种纷繁的线索被他娴熟的编制成一幅现在中国的“清明上河图”,其中涉猎的社会文化历史人文范畴都是丰富立体而有趣的。 以上是豆瓣上一个给这本书打五颗星的书评里写的。 然而就我的阅读体验来说,如果抛去书中涉及到的一部分在大陆媒体上看不见的敏感报道,仅从内容和结构上分析,这本书给我的感觉是书中的一个个故事过于零散,而内容上是古今历史一锅烩。 个人感觉是这一本以美国人想看到的中国为线索的自述式的记录。然而对于一个经常翻墙出去看新闻的新时代青年来说,书中的所谓“发现”我们早就知道,而且知道的远比作者看到的多的多。也许正是因为这一点,让我对作者提出了更高的要求。好吧,实事求是的说,对于一个愿意来到中国,并且诚恳的学习这门对大多数外国人来说比较难的语言的美国青年;对于一个愿意通过行走和不厌其烦的交谈而不是道听途说来认识中国的写作都,Hessler无疑是令我无比尊敬的。 我看到有评论都这样写道:“更确切地说,美国人的这种误解中有一种把中国发生的一切事情都政治化的倾向。分析家们喜欢把什么都怪罪到共产党头上。而实际上,中国人的所作所为里有更深的文化原因和社会原因。这些原因往往是很复杂的。这种误解与其说是有关偏见或宣传,毋宁说是一种新闻业的传统:一个好的记者应该暴露不公。但这种方式对于在中国工作的外国记者来说会产生问题,因为美国的读者并没有足够的背景储备来通彻地理解在中国发生的不公。他们需要更好地了解中国人的日常生活是怎样的。” 而在1994年,美国人Peter Hessler结束在英国牛津大学的研究生学业之后,一路向东,乘坐火车穿越西伯利亚,第一次到达中国。两年后,当他作为志愿者再次来到中国,成为生活在四川涪陵这个小山城的第一个美国老师。 自那以后的近10年间,Hessler一直脚踏实地的生活在中国,努力的找出这些发生在中国的事件的深层次原因,为此他由为报纸写文章变成一个为《纽约客》杂志供稿的自由写作者。用Hessler的话说,“我更适合为杂志工作。杂志的故事更长;你可以用第一人称写作;编辑并不太关心时效性。杂志的文章按字数付稿酬,与报纸专栏作家只能拿固定稿酬相比,这可好多了。杂志社报销工作的开销。因为杂志运作更慢,我有时采访调查就可以不需要用电话。”(这是书中的原话) 以上可以看书作者是用心来思考他在中国所看到的事情,并试图作出解释。为了作者的努力,加四星。 PS:也有人在书评中这么说: [也许真正的表达,注定是要以“无兴趣”为起点的,它仅仅是你谋生的手段,或者是你误打误撞的闪了腰的残酷青春在路上。其实你搞不明白的,既不是中国,也不是美国,你搞不清的事自己,或者说你觉得沮丧的事情根源上是你自己。

Homage to Catalonia -- [英] 乔治·奥威尔

In 1936 Orwell went to Spain to report on the Civil War and instead joined the fight against the Fascists. This famous account describes the war and Orwell’s experiences. Introduction by Lionel Trilling.

作者简介 · · · · · ·
奥威尔原名埃里克阿瑟布莱尔(Eric Arthur Blair),1903年生于印度。1907年他举家迁回到英格兰。1917年,他进入伊顿公学。1921年后来到缅甸加入Indianimperial Police,1928年辞职。随后的日子里他贫病交加,此间他当过教师、书店店员,直到1940年,他成为NewEnglish Weekly的小说评论员,他才有了稳定的收入养家糊口。1936年间,他访问了兰开夏郡和约克郡,1936年底,他来到西班牙参加西班牙内战,其间他受伤。二战期间(1940-1943),他为BBS Eastern Service工作,并在此间写了大量政治和文学评论。1945年起他成为Observer的战地记者和MachesterEvening News的固定撰稿人。1945年,他出版了《动物农场》,1949年出版了《1984》。奥威尔患有肺结核,于1950年死去。

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter has never played a sport while flying on a broomstick. He's never worn a Cloak of Invisibility, befriended a giant, or helped hatch a dragon. All Harry knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley. Harry's room is a tiny cupboard under the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in ten years.

But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to a wonderful place he never dreamed existed. There he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic around every corner, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him... if Harry can survive the encounter.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter,along with his best friends,Ron and Hermione,is about to start his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Harry can't wait to get back to school after the summer holidays.(Who wouldn't if they lived with th horrible Dusley?)But when Harry gets to Hogwarts,the atmosphere is tense.There's an escaped mass murderer on the loose,and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school…

Harry Potter and the Order Of the Phoenix -- J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.His best friends Ron and Hermione have been very secretive all summer and he is desperate to get back to school and find out what has been going on.However,what Harry discovers is far more devastating than he could ever have expected…

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood -- J.K. Rowling

It is Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As Voldemort's sinister forces amass and a spirit of gloom and fear sweeps the land, it becomes more and more clear to Harry that he will soon have to confront his destiny. But is he up to the challenges ahead of him?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets -- J.K. Rowling

A remarkable sequel to the best-selling Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Harry Potter is a wizard. He is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Little does he know that this year will be just as eventful as the last even getting there is an adventure in itself! The three firm friends, Harry, Ron and Hermione, are soon immersed in the daily round of Potions, Herbology, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Quidditch. But then horrible and mysterious things begin to happen. Harry keeps hearing strange voices, sinister and dark messages appear on the wall, and then Ron's sister Ginny disappears

Charlotte's Web -- E. B. White

This is the tale of how a little girl named Ferm, with the help of a friendly spider, saved her pig, Wilbur, from the usual fate of nice fat little pigs.

E.B. White was born in Mount Vernon, New York. He graduated from Cornell University in 1921, then travelled about trying many sorts of jobs, and finally joined the New Yorker magazine. He kept animals on his farm in Maine, and some of these creatures crept into his stories and books. In1970 Mr White received the Laura Ingalls Wilders Adward, given every five ears for distinguished services to children's literature by the American Library Association.

E.B. White died in 1985

Beyond Feelings -- Vincent Ryan Ruggiero






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