《Gravity’sRainbow》 ThomasPynchon[作者] epub
经典名著 3年前 (2020-06-05) 1,130 人围观 0作品简介
Tyrone Slothrop, a GI in London in 1944, has a big problem. Whenever he gets an erection, a Blitz bomb hits. Slothrop gets excited, and then (as Thomas Pynchon puts it in his sinister, insinuatingly sibilant opening sentence), "a screaming comes across the sky," heralding an angel of death, a V-2 rocket. The novel's title, "Gravity's Rainbow", refers to the rocket's vapor arc, a cruel dark parody of what God sent Noah to symbolize his promise never to destroy humanity again. Soon Tyrone is on the run from legions of bizarre enemies through the phantasmagoric horrors of Germany. "Gravity's Rainbow", however, doesn't follow such a standard plot; one must have faith that each manic episode is connected with the great plot to blow up the world with the ultimate rocket. There is not one story, but a proliferation of characters (Pirate Prentice, Teddy Bloat, Tantivy Mucker-Maffick, Saure Bummer, and more) and events that tantalize the reader with suggestions of vast patterns only just past our comprehension. "Gravity's Rainbow" is a blizzard of references to science, history, high culture, and the lowest of jokes.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
托马斯·品钦(1937- ),美国后现代主义文学的代表作家。他的作品往往以神秘的荒诞文学与当代科学的交叉结合为特色。他获得过美国全国图书奖,但拒绝领奖。其作品包含着丰富的意旨、风格和主题,涉及到历史、自然科学和数学等不同领域。有评论家称其《万有引力之虹》系借助神力完成,堪称一部大百科全书。
文件名称:《Gravity's Rainbow》 epub 格式kindle电子书
作者:Thomas Pynchon